速報APP / 遊戲 / Deduct Four Premium

Deduct Four Premium





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本


Deduct Four Premium(圖1)-速報App

Deduct Four is an exciting word game that is both easy and challenging. It is a great game to play when you are waiting somewhere for a few minutes. It has a one-player mode and a two-player mode. The objective is to identify a secret 4-letter word. To deduce the secret word, the player types in 4-letter test words and the app calculates the number of letters that the secret word and the test word have in common, regardless of position. For example, if the secret word is ‘TIRE’ and the player enters ‘PAIR’, the app responds with ‘2’, since the two words have the letters ‘I’ and ‘R’ in common. The player keeps entering more test words until the correct word is entered.

Deduct Four Premium(圖2)-速報App

In the one-player mode, the secret word is generated by the app. In the two-player mode, each of the two players enters a secret word for the other player.

Deduct Four Premium(圖3)-速報App

Scoring can be based on the length of time required to identify the secret word. This is called the Express mode. Alternatively, scoring can be based on the number of test words entered. This is called the Strategic mode.

Deduct Four Premium(圖4)-速報App

Several aids are available to assist the players. The list shows all the test words entered together with the number of letters in common. A tile alphabet is shown; as test words are entered, the tile alphabet indicates whether letters are (i) not yet tested, (ii) definitely excluded, (iii) definitely included or (iv) possible. The player can also ask for hints. Finally, a scratchpad is available to allow each player to use his/her own system to keep track of the letters.

Deduct Four Premium(圖5)-速報App

Deduct Four is very different from word games such as crossword puzzles. It does not need access to your contact list or camera or anything else on your smart phone or tablet. The rules of the game are simple and anyone can begin playing almost immediately. Interestingly, for a game that was developed to test powers of deduction, many players report that intuition is very important, particularly in the two-player game.

Deduct Four Premium(圖6)-速報App

We hope that you enjoy playing this game as much as we enjoyed putting it together!

Deduct Four Premium(圖7)-速報App

Deduct Four Premium(圖8)-速報App